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Virtual Dementia Tour


The Virtual Dementia Tour is the only scientifically and medically proven method of giving a person with a healthy brain an experience of what dementia might be like. Created in America by professor PK Beville and experienced by over 5 million people in 25 countries.

Using specially formulated, sensory changing equipment and environments, the experience allows delegates to have a window into the world of people with dementia. This remarkable experience will force delegates to demonstrate the classic dementia behaviours, actions and emotions that we witness every day by people that have dementia.  Only by understanding what they experience can you truly make the changes required to build empathy, inclusion and person-centred support that we all strive to achieve.

Book Your Dementia Tour & Training Experience

The full experience involves the experience for up to 16 delegates and a debrief to give you guide on which changes to make and how to implement them in any setting.  Evolving and strengthening our knowledge by altering our perceptions to the persons viewpoint is one of the most important adjustments that supporting people can make and will give you an insight that will never be forgotten.

Simply put, this course like no other, second to none and life adjusting.

Training 2 CARE’s Managing Director, Glenn Knight comments “The VDT is the only method of helping staff and families to really understand the changes that we need to make to become a dementia interpreter.  By understanding the issues faced by a person with dementia, we can unlock new ways to communicate, understand their behaviours, reduce frustration, anxiety and really improve their lives.  Training 2 CARE are proud to have delivered this amazing training across the UK and will continue to increase knowledge by allowing you to walk in their shoes”.