The Alzheimer’s Show Digital Hub is a series of practical online presentations on a wide range of topics relevant to anyone affected by Alzheimer’s and dementia. These sessions will provide you with a better understanding of dementia to help you support those you care for and make a positive difference, whether you’re a carer, family member, care provider or health professional.
Webinar recordings available to rent for 90 days – £19.99
Selected from our recent webinars, each series has six 30-40 minute videos all of which are packed with useful advice and practical tips from carefully selected dementia experts and specialists. Professionals can use them as part of their CPD. Click on the videos below to play trailers of each series.
The first in the series, these six 30 – 40 minute webinars presented by dementia experts are intended to provide families, carers and public who are concerned about a loved one, with a better understanding of dementia. CPD Accredited.
1. Assessment for possible dementia: why, when & how
2. Hearing loss and dementia
3. Paying for care at home and residential care
4. Plan for tomorrow, live for today
5. Legal considerations when diagnosed with dementia
6. Living with dementia in the family: Tips and advice from a care professional
The second in the series, these sessions will provide dementia care givers support and advice to help those you care for. Likely to appeal to both care providers, healthcare professionals, family carers and public, these talks provide a real insight in to approaches and techniques. CPD Accredited.
1. Facilitating good communication with a person with dementia
2. Discovering new treatments to transform lives
3. Lewy Body dementia
4. Eating and drinking at mealtimes: Top tips for dementia caregivers
5. UTI’s and continence
6. Sexually speaking: Dementia, Sex and wellbeing
Primarily for professional care givers, these six webinars bring together leading experts in the field of dementia to discuss latest practices, learnings, advice and support options including ‘Behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia’, ‘Delirium’ and ‘Pain and communication’. CPD Accredited.
1. Behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia
2. Improving and evidencing dementia care practice
3. If I get dementia, will they serve me meat?
4. FITS into practice – Focused Intervention in Training and Support
5. Hospital delirium: an overview of identification and management
6. Pain and communication
The fourth in the series, these six 30 – 40 minute webinars will provide families, carers and public with a better understanding of the issues surrounding dementia.
In this series:
1. The importance of the Mental Capacity Act for people affected by dementia
2. Panel discussion – The importance of social care
3. Planning early – the key to ensuring a brighter future in later life
4. Paying for care
5. The Importance and Power of Lived Experience in caring for someone with Dementia (FTD)
6. Top five questions on the Dementia UK Admiral Nurses Helpline