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Dementia Interpreters Workshop

Have you ever been in the position to lose your ability to speak? If not, think about how frightening and frustrating this must be trying to tell people what your needs are.  Trying to tell people what you would like to eat, watch, clothes you'd like to wear and so much more must be so tiring and if you cannot explain, then would you eventually just give up?

The Dementia Interpreters Workshop is all about understanding the 'Language of Dementia' and recognising that people with dementia will change to a new, universal language as their way to communicate.  Often this new language is mistaken for behavioural issues or a behaviour that challenges, but actually should be recognised as a positive form of communication.  The Dementia Interpreters workshop will give you so many ways to translate these new forms of communication by allowing you to walk in their shoes and understand the challenge from their viewpoint.  

Dementia Interpreters Workshop 

Delivered to 12 people over 1 hour, we will take away you ability to speak, see, hear and even, eventually move your body to force you to find new ways of communicating and interestingly using the same methods as people with dementia.  

On completing the course, you and your staff will be recognised as Level 1 Dementia Interpreters and be involved in shaping the understanding and knowledge of this new language through the dementia interpreters’ forum.  Here you will discuss with other Interpreters from around the world what people are trying to say and translate into an understandable language.  

Powerful, and maybe the most important course that you could do, the Dementia Interpreters Workshop continues to surprise and change practice for all.