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The Alzheimer’s Show is proud to announce it has been accepted as a member of the Dementia Action Alliance.
A new guide has been launched for carers and those who work with people with dementia which provides advice on how to help with pain and distress in people with the condition.
* Prime Minister, David Cameron said: “The Alzheimer’s Show is an excellent way to raise awareness and understanding of dementia and to help those people with dementia, their carers and families to get the services and support they need
* Professor Alistair Burns, the Government’s Dementia Tsar, to speak at show on improving services and support for dementia
* Alzheimer’s Society’s Dementia Friends & Dementia UK’s Admiral Nurses to be at the event
* Over 40 exhibitors on-site to provide information, answers & solutions to visitors
The UK’s First Exhibition for People Living with Alzheimer’s and Dementia
The most common statement you will hear from a carer is: “I wish I had known about this before.”
“Dementia is a priority for myself and the Government. As part of the Prime Minister’s Challenge on Dementia, I want to see dementia-friendly communities across the country and at least a million dementia friends by 2015.
Information from NHS Choices about how to ‘Live well with dementia’
We are delighted that Jane Ashcroft, Chief Executive of Anchor and Chair of English Community Care Association (ECCA) will be joining the Saturday Question Time panel.
There are just 8 days until the start of The Alzheimer’s Show, the first pop-up dementia community to bring together experts, carers and people living with dementia and its related illnesses under one roof.
There will be discussions, debates, presentations, case studies and demonstrations, but most of all, the opportunity to share your experiences and learn from others experiences.
We are delighted with the positive feedback from both our visitors and exhibitors of the first Alzheimer’s Show. We would like to thank all our supporters, sponsors, exhibitors and speakers who helped make the event such a positive experience.
The Alzheimer’s show was a really first-rate event that had an excellent mixture of attendes that included people with dementia, their family and carers and the professionals who support them
There truly was something for everyone at this event”