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The Alzheimer's and Dementia Show Programme

Dementia Matters Theatre
  1. Dementia Matters Theatre
  2. Dementia Matters Theatre
  3. Dementia Matters Theatre
    Current picture of dementia care. An introduction to our dementia strategy. Understanding how we can use our role to improve the experience of people living with dementia and their families, in health ...
  4. Dementia Matters Theatre
  5. Dementia Matters Theatre
  6. Dementia Matters Theatre
    Reflections on the experiences and support needs of people with vision-, language- and behaviour-led forms of dementia.
  7. Dementia Matters Theatre
    Moderated by Tim Baverstock, Head of Local Systems Influencing, Alzheimer's Society
  8. Dementia Matters Theatre
    As humans we are designed to be social creatures, research has shown that being social is not only good for our physical wellbeing, but also our cognitive processes! In this bite size presentation, fo ...
  9. Dementia Matters Theatre
    The session aims to offer a brief introduction to frailty and Acute frailty syndromes: • What they are • Vulnerability, risk factors, symptoms, and indicators • The importance of identification, diagn ...
  10. Dementia Matters Theatre
    Taking the Kitwood flower model and using it to enable people with dementia to speak about their lives today.
  11. Dementia Matters Theatre
    If staff understand more about dementia and how to support people with the condition, they are more likely to find increased satisfaction within their role. This session explores the importance of hig ...
  12. Dementia Matters Theatre
    This session will explain what artificial intelligence (AI) is, how it works and gives examples of AI in everyday life and health care. We will discuss how AI can help and what the future may look lik ...
Talks and Activities Hub
  1. Talks and Activities Hub
    This workshop will look at how to engage people living with dementia in person centred activity and engagement.
  2. Talks and Activities Hub
    This session will look at palliation versus end of life; how to plan for the future; recognising end stages of dementia and resources to help you plan.
  3. Talks and Activities Hub
    This session highlights the therapeutic benefits of nature in dementia care and underlines the work of Dementia Adventure in reconnecting people with nature through tailored experiences. Working with ...
  4. Talks and Activities Hub
  5. Talks and Activities Hub
    How we can leverage digitial transformation and new technology to improve the experience of those living with dementia? Interactive session Q&A session.
  6. Talks and Activities Hub
    The Dementia Dictionary is the world’s very first, completely free to use resource, dedicated to helping people around the world learn the language of dementia by helping to explain why people living ...
  7. Talks and Activities Hub
    Primary care dementia service meeting the long term needs of patients and their families. Can primary care be the central provider of practical and emotional support through liaison, signposting, psyc ...
  8. Talks and Activities Hub
    Join us to explore securing external medications in care homes, improving accessibility and efficiency while meeting the Care Quality Commission's standards. Discover Lockabox®, a discreet solution, a ...
  9. Talks and Activities Hub
    Discover Teepa Snow's 'Hand under Hand' approach to promote independence and enhance the lives of those you care for.
  10. Talks and Activities Hub
    This talk is about dementia risk factors and how to reduce them through multidomain lifestyle interventions.
  11. Talks and Activities Hub
    SweetTree Home Care Services and SweetTree Connect present how connective apps can be harnessed to foster collaborative excellence by integrating individual assessments, personalised care plans, and i ...
  12. Talks and Activities Hub
Dementia Matters Theatre
  1. Dementia Matters Theatre
  2. Dementia Matters Theatre
    Here we explain the criteria for Continuing Healthcare Funding (CHC). This session covers: What is CHC? The application process including initial checklist. The decision support tool. How families can ...
  3. Dementia Matters Theatre
    As society considers a future with AI, increasing emphasis is placed on the role of emerging technologies in dementia care. The UKDRI - Care Research & Technology centre share their vision and progres ...
  4. Dementia Matters Theatre
  5. Dementia Matters Theatre
    A diagnosis of dementia changes everything. How can we ease the burden on our carers?
  6. Dementia Matters Theatre
  7. Dementia Matters Theatre
  8. Dementia Matters Theatre
    This session looks at changes in behaviour as dementia progresses, possible reasons for this focusing on underlying emotions and thought processes/beliefs. Also looking at the impact changes in cognit ...
  9. Dementia Matters Theatre
    One of the most important aspects of dementia to get right is eating and drinking, no other aspect of dementia can have such an immediate impact as when eating or drinking goes wrong! Sunday Care Ther ...
Talks and Activities Hub
  1. Talks and Activities Hub
    Demonstrating our third in a series of reminiscence books inspired by and designed for younger people with dementia. We will take you on a trip back to the 60's & 70's, showing you how to use and get ...
  2. Talks and Activities Hub
    Join Beth for a whistle-stop tour of everything she wished she’d known during her dad’s 19 years with dementia. This interactive session will include good practice advice and signposting gained from B ...
  3. Talks and Activities Hub
    Talking about care doesn't need to be difficult. Planning ahead, knowing your options and discussing your preferences can lead to a life-enhancing experience. Here we offer guidance for those consider ...
  4. Talks and Activities Hub
    Sharing innovative and collaborative practice, vision, learning points and motivation through providing a rounded overview of how children and young people living with a parent with young onset dement ...
  5. Talks and Activities Hub
    MacIntyre’s health team shares their knowledge and experiences of supporting a person to live with a diagnosis of dementia and a learning disability with a person-centred approach, with the voice of l ...
  6. Talks and Activities Hub
    An interactive session exploring the brain and these changes in Dementia. Understanding the reasons behind challenges and discover effective strategies to provide meaningful support.
  7. Talks and Activities Hub
    This workshop will look at the effectiveness and ethical considerations of using dolls in activity provision for individuals in care settings.
Saturday Summit
  1. Saturday Summit
    Welcome and introduction. For family carers, public and professionals this morning session includes research updates, clincial trials, new drugs and new diagnosis technologies. Hosted by Re:Cognition ...
  2. Saturday Summit
  3. Saturday Summit
  4. Saturday Summit
  5. Saturday Summit
  6. Saturday Summit
    What about the principal carer - usually a close family member - what challenges do they face too? Looks at the logistics of attending hospital outpatient appointments - are they always necessary? A p ...
  7. Saturday Summit
    Rianna will share non-pharmaceutical approaches to dementia care in the Caribbean. This session aims to build the cultural perspective and treatments of dementia explored in Caribbean communities.