For Professionals Only

The Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Summit is specifically designed for GPs, nurses, and community carers, providing you with the latest advancements in research, treatment options, and practical tools to guide and support your patients confidently.
Gain valuable insights on emerging drug discoveries, understand the nuances of clinical trials, and learn how to navigate challenging conversations with empathy and expertise. Discover innovative care strategies, explore the power of early detection, and connect with fellow professionals to share best practices and build a stronger support network. The Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Summit equips you with the knowledge and resources to make a real difference to the lives of those affected by Alzheimer's, empowering them to face the future with hope and understanding.
10:00 Chair’s welcome remarks
Prof Fiona Ducotterd, Chief Scientific Officer, Alzheimer’s Research UK | UCL Drug Discovery Institute
10.10 Keynote Address: Unveiling Hope in Alzheimer's Research
Prof Fiona Ducotterd, Chief Scientific Officer, Alzheimer’s Research UK | UCL Drug Discovery Institute
Where are we now? Determining the current status of Alzheimer’s drug development.
Exploring promising research avenues like personalized medicine and new drug targets.
Highlighting the importance of ongoing research, collaboration, and staying updated in the fight against Alzheimer's.
Emphasizing the potential for future breakthroughs and a continued commitment to finding a cure.
10.40 A GP Panel: Navigating Challenges When Discussing Treatment Options for Alzheimer's
Chair : Prof Fiona Ducotterd, Chief Scientific Officer, Alzheimer’s Research UK | UCL Drug Discovery Institute
Panel: Prof Dame Louise Robinson. Professor of Primary Care and Ageing; Regius Professor of Ageing
Rikki Lorenti, Lead Admiral Nurse, Dementia Support Team, Havant and Waterlooville PCN
Dr Nick Merrifield, GP and Clinical Director, New Malden and Worcester Park PCN
This GP panel explores the challenges and potential solutions for effectively communicating with Alzheimer's patients and families about treatment options. The session begins with a 15 minute presentation by Prof Dame Louise Robinson. Key points discussed include:
Managing expectations and balancing hope for future advancements with the current limitations of treatment.
Differentiating promising research from established treatment options.
Addressing emotional complexities and creating a safe space for patients and families to express concerns and fostering empathy.
Empowering patients and families in shared decision-making and providing access to resources and support groups.
11.20 Networking Break
11.40 Presentation organised and funded by TauRx
The future of long term care for people living with dementia.
Jim Pearson, Deputy Chief Executive, Alzheimer’s Scotland
Social Care is in crisis in Scotland and across the UK. People living with dementia and their families struggle to access any meaningful options for the social care support as their needs change. In the absence of any strategic approach to, or investment in, social care services and social care workforce, people with dementia and the families and friends who care for them too often find themselves in crisis. This can lead to avoidable and costly hospital admissions and in the absence of any meaningful alternative, to care home admissions, where despite the rhetoric about free personal and nursing care, people with advancing dementia face eye watering social care charges for care needs which are clearly health and specialist nursing needs.
Alzheimer Scotland’s has published a major new report calling for reform of Scotland’s long term care provision. The report was produced by a Commission, established by Alzheimer Scotland and chaired by the former First Minister for Scotland, Henry McLeish.
This presentation will set out the key findings of the Commission and the recommendations to reform Scotland’s long term care provision. Although this work is focussed on Scotland it will resonate across the UK.
12.10 Panel discussion: The significance of early Alzheimer's diagnosis in improving patient outcomes and quality of life.
Chair : Prof Fiona Ducotterd, Chief Scientific Officer, Alzheimer’s Research UK | UCL Drug Discovery Institute
Panel: Dr Amanda Heslegrave, Senior Research Fellow, UKDRI Fluid Biomarker Laboratory
Dr Ivan Koychev PhD MRCPsych, Senior Clinical Researcher | Consultant Neuropsychiatrist University of Oxford
Dr Ben Underwood, Assistant Professor, University of Cambridge, Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust
Innovative Diagnostic Technologies and Biomarkers e.g. Blood BioMarker Challenge
Impact of Early Diagnosis on Treatment Efficacy and Disease Progression
Future Directions and Opportunities in Early Alzheimer's Diagnosis Research
Q&A session for audience enquiries
13.00 Networking break
14.00 Presentation organised and funded by Eisai
Optimising the early identification of patients at risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease in Primary Care.
Dr Jill Rasmussen, Primary Care Specialist Dementia, Mental Health and Intellectual Disability
This session will formulate a practical guide to help Primary Care navigate earlier identification and referral of patients most at risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease using patient information they already have available to them
14.30 A New Era for PET Biomarkers: Dementia Diagnosis & Therapeutic Monitoring.
Dr Emer MacSweeney BSc (Hons), MRCP, FRCR, CEO of Re:Cognition Health & Consultant Neuroradiologist
15.00 Potential issues and challenges in evaluation of disease-modifying dementia treatments.
Fatima Salih, Scientific Adviser in the Science Policy and Research Programme. NICE
15.30 Coffee Break and Networking
15.50 Biomarkers in the era of disease modifying treatments.
Dr Amanda Heslegrave, Senior Research Fellow, UKDRI Fluid Biomarker Laboratory
Will discuss a very brief history of how we have used fluid biomarkers in AD diagnosis and what the development of blood based biomarkers has meant to the field and then move onto the future.
16.20 Panel Discussion: Demystifying Clinical Trials - How You Can Inform Your Patients
Chair : Prof Fiona Ducotterd, Chief Scientific Officer, Alzheimer’s Research UK | UCL Drug Discovery Institute
Panel: George Robinson, Head of Global Patient Recruitment, Re:Cognition Health
Dr Ivan Koychev PhD MRCPsych, Senior Clinical Researcher | Consultant Neuropsychiatrist University of Oxford
John-Paul Taylor, Professor of Translational Dementia Research, Newcastle University
Understanding the different types of clinical trials and their role in drug development
Ethical considerations surrounding clinical trial participation
Supporting patients' informed decision-making about clinical trial participation
17.00 Close of Summit
For over 10 years The Alzheimer’s and Dementia Show has been the UK’s largest event which professional and family carers attend to hear about the latest advancements in the field, to receive training and to assess products and services that will benefit those they care for.
The Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Summit is a single day professional-only conference within The Alzheimer’s and Dementia Show, specifically for primary and community care professionals who need the latest information to share with the patient population. Network with 200 of your peers in a professional collaborative environment as we target new frontiers in Alzheimer’s drug discovery and development. Plus, Gain 7 CPD points from attending the Summit.
Healthcare Professional | £39.00* |
Industry Professional | £99.00* |
Ticket to The Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Summit includes 1 day entry to The Alzheimer's & Dementia Show, Friday 14th June 2024.
*Booking fee applies
The Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Summit is a one day conference for professionals only. Members of the public will not be allowed entry.
Healthcare Professional: NHS, GP's, Nurses, Primary care, community care, clinicians, academic researchers.
Industry professional: Delegates in pharmaceutical, clinical research and other related commercial organisations.
CPD Accredited certificate will be available for professional ticket holders only.