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07 Jul 2021


Helping a person to live well with dementia does not only mean treating the condition, but ensuring their physical health and mental wellbeing is maintained to allow them to continue to have fulfilling life experiences and take advantage of the opportunities we can provide.

Understanding the lived experience of dementia enables health and social care staff to develop a deeper appreciation of the challenges of living with dementia, and helps them to see the person behind the dementia.

With the right care and support people can live well with dementia.

Om Interactive design interactive sensory activities which enhance the quality of care for people living with dementia and assist staff in building quality interactions with those in their care.

A person with dementia may forget recent events, but still be able to recall detailed memories from earlier life, as older memories are more firmly established than newer ones

“You didn’t have as many things to do at school as you do now. But then I was at school a long time ago and school was different then…” Resident discussing learning an instrument at school

A number of OMis Care Suite activities have content that is intended to support residents to remember and reminisce about their past and the lives they have led.

group sitting around tablePeople living with dementia may be able to remember more emotional events such as weddings or birthday parties, because memory also has an emotional aspect to it. This emotional memory is usually affected much later on in dementia and can be triggered by senses, such as hearing a certain piece of music.

Care Staff using Omi’s Care Suite speak very passionately about the way that residents often connect with the music used in specific activities and how well known music often acts as a starting point for reminiscent discussions and conversations. Familiar music motivates residents to recount particular memories and, for some, prompts verbal interactions with staff and other residents for the first time.

Staff were often keen to use the content of the activities as springboards for asking questions to residents and using them to explore their experiences and memories.

Sensory stimulation can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially when there are already present feelings of confusion, isolation, and fear. But sensory stimulation is key to improving quality of life for those living in the confusing world of dementia.

Find out more about OMIs Care Suite of 150+ activities available on their award winning omiVista sensory projector systems or learn about OMis Life Stories Initiative helping keep memories alive for people in care or living with dementia.

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